

Syllabus is an ongoing series of stories that gives readers an inside look at some of Susquehanna’s most interesting classes.



窗帘还没拉开,学生们就进来了 埃里克·维克我们的舞台艺术班已经在幕后努力工作了. 每年, 当州立大学的观众预订座位时, this cast of student stageh和s creates the scenery that astounds audiences on opening night.

Viker教授 剧院, described the course as an “immersion-learning” introduction to 剧院 technology, adding that students “bring scripts to life” as they learn the basics of scenic construction, 安装与操作.

虽然这门课是戏剧专业的必修课, 维克的工作人员欢迎所有系的学生.

“非专业学生似乎觉得这种不同的学习方式很有趣,”维克说. “舞台艺术课程是整个文科教育的重要组成部分, 这应该总是帮助学生学习如何批判性地思考, 有效沟通和解决问题.”

无论是主修专业还是非主修专业, 表演者或技术员, Viker — who has been teaching Stagecraft since his arrival at SU 20 years ago — promises the results can be showstopping.

“There is a moment in every production when the audience 和 the artists come together 和 are changed, 经历过后,他们变得比以前更伟大了,他说.

Viker的学生给了这门课很多支持. 艾米丽·钱伯斯(Emily Chambers)的戏剧作品《浩博体育app》(26)就是这样一个学生 & 他来自匹兹堡的设计专业,完成了这门课程. She was hired as a staff carpenter as a result of the skills she demonstrated in class.

“I absolutely loved Stagecraft, 和 I’m honored to be on staff this semester,” Chambers said. “The ability to bring stories to life through our sets is amazing to see firsth和.”

了解更多关于萨斯奎哈纳的戏剧专业 戏剧表演, 剧院生产 & 设计 和 戏剧研究.