
Though summer may be the prime time for college students to complete an internship, 在学年期间也有宝贵的机会. 可能性是无穷无尽的:在国外实习一个学期, some report to their internship in person and others follow a virtual or hybrid schedule. 学生s across 浩博体育app immerse themselves in real-world learning opportunities through internships that align with their academic interests and career goals. Here are a few that strengthened their résumés by combining an internship with their courses this fall.


Addison Yaukey, 25岁,a 政治科学 来自马里兰州诺克斯维尔的专业实习生 偏见, a media bias agency that provides real-time bias ratings of news sources and their articles.

“上学期,我选修了媒体与政治. 我觉得这门课超级有趣, 因为它谈到了媒体是如何用偏见操纵政治的, 把关和框架,阿奇说. “偏见正试图用他们的Bias Meter来解决这个问题, which is a Chrome extension you can download to your browser that will scan news articles you’re reading and determine if it has political bias in one way or another. This helps people recognize that what they are reading might not be as objective as they think, 让他们意识到自己的观点, 而不是事实, 他们可能在消费.”

在偏差, Yaukey participates in a weekly training program through which she learns about different forms of bias and how to resist them in her daily life. She also 牧师iews sentences and phrases from real news articles to power 偏见’s Bias Meter.

“We tend to think of the news media as something that tells us an important story, 但这次实习告诉我,情况往往并非如此,阿奇说. “I’m glad that I am becoming equipped with the tools to watch out for these biases in the news I’m consuming. 参与其中也可以帮助人们看到这些偏见, 比如Bias 's Bias Meter, is also rewarding as I know it will help people consume news more confidently.”

Yaukey is considering attending law school after graduating from Susquehanna.

“I have proven to myself that I can handle multiple responsibilities at once — this internship, being on the track and field team and handling the class load of a major and a minor — all while keeping up my grades,阿奇说. “Being able to manage many projects with organization and ease is always a skill employers are looking for.”


宾夕法尼亚州州长. Josh Shapiro greeting the 2023 Commonwealth Interns in the State Capital Building, Harrisburg. 宾夕法尼亚州州长. Josh Shapiro greeting the 2023 Commonwealth Interns in the State Capital Building, Harrisburg.政治学专业的摩根·里德,23岁, 哈利法克斯, 宾西法尼亚, 是心理健康办公室的秋季实习生 & 宾夕法尼亚州人类服务部的药物滥用服务中心.

“I have always felt called to public service, and wanted to help the community in any way I could. 我经常从政府工作的角度来看待这个问题。. “I knew this internship would provide me with an opportunity to meaningfully contribute to the operations of the office and provide me with valuable government work experience.”

里德负责州政府办公室的数据录入, collecting and entering into a database information from returned perception of care surveys the office distributes to consumers of publicly funded behavioral health services. Reed also 牧师iews and categorizes individual comments left on surveys to ensure they are documented.

他的实习是一种混合形式, allowing him to work from campus and the OMHSAS office in Commonwealth Towers in Harrisburg.

“The greatest lesson that I’ve learned throughout my internship experience has been about the complexity of government work,里德说. “There are many parts to play within every process, and all of them are incredibly important. Every position matters, even ones that people might not immediately consider.”

在毕业, Reed plans to pursue a graduate degree in political psychology or behavioral science.


会计 伊莎贝拉·斯卡帕帕蒂奇少校,24岁, 怀俄明, 宾西法尼亚, 在上市公司会计监督委员会实习, 监督上市公司审计的非营利组织. 该组织由国会于2002年创建.

“I have always been interested in regulatory processes and have eventual career goals of working in forensic and anti-fraud accounting,斯卡帕帕蒂奇说. “My internship is a great opportunity to grow my knowledge in this field and gain a deeper understanding of the regulations of public audit firms. 这是一个看到会计另一面的绝佳机会.”

斯卡帕帕蒂奇正在远程实习, assisting the organization by 牧师iewing items to be brought before the board, 包括与检查和补救有关的事项. She has also had the opportunity to observe the enforcement and standards-setting processes for PCAOB-inspected firms.

“It has been a learning process managing an internship on top of my course load, 但是通过和我的教授以及教务处的合作, I am able to receive credit for this internship and arrange my schedule in a way that allows me to fulfill all commitments,斯卡帕帕蒂奇说. “我的经历让我受益匪浅. I am thrilled to be able to work with such a knowledgeable and experienced team, 同时也知道我的贡献很重要.”

毕业后, Scappaticci plans to move to New York City to begin her career in public accounting as an audit associate with PricewaterhouseCoopers.