Alumni Award Winners 2022

Summer Fall 2023 Issue

Catherine Pierce ’00

Achievement Award

In 2022, Catherine was awarded an Academy of American Poets Laureate Fellowship, 他在2020年获得了密西西比州艺术委员会文学艺术家奖学金. She was a National Endowment for the Arts Literature Fellow in 2019. Her poems I Kept Getting Books About Birds and Entreaty each won the prestigious Pushcart Prize.

In 2021, 密西西比州州长任命凯瑟琳为该州官方桂冠诗人, a position that involves creating and reading poetry at state occasions, promoting literacy and representing the state’s rich cultural heritage. She will serve in this role through 2025.

凯瑟琳共同指导密西西比州立大学的创意写作项目,并教授创意写作和美国文学课程. She is the author of four books of poems: Danger Days, The Tornado Is the World, and The Girls of Peculiar, 他们都获得了密西西比艺术与文学学院诗歌奖, and Famous Last Words, which won the Saturnalia Books Poetry Prize.

Catherine graduated from Susquehanna with a degree in creative writing, 2003年在俄亥俄州立大学获得美术硕士学位. She earned a doctorate from the University of Missouri in 2007.

Nicole Payne ’99

Leadership Award

Nicole is vice president, third-party risk management at American Express, 她在哪里领导一个全球团队,负责外包服务的政策管理和项目战略, 项目执行的质量保证和全球外包服务组合的风险报告.

Prior to her current role, Nicole served as vice president, new product governance and vendor risk oversight, where she was promoted from the role of director, operational strategy after launching a new business division. 她因对美国经济的贡献而获得美国运通董事长创新奖.S. customers’ digital customer experience.

妮可是西格蒙德·韦斯商学院执行委员会的成员, 提供有价值的见解,如何定制学校的课程,以最好地准备学生的劳动力. 她还与院长马修·鲁苏(Matthew Rousu)合作,为萨斯奎哈纳校友在美国运通(American Express)创造职业机会.

妮可长期以来一直在浩博体育app志愿担任其他职务, 包括在前往纽约市的网络旅行中接待学生,以及参与Give Rise活动的可行性研究. Nicole毕业于Susquehanna大学,获得工商管理学位和全球管理专业. She completed an MBA at Fordham University in 2016.

Merle Ulsh ’55

Service Award

Merle is a retired naval officer, local businessman and philanthropist. Following his graduation from Susquehanna, he enlisted in the U.S. Navy and eventually earned the rank of commander. 整个20世纪70年代,他负责监督宾夕法尼亚州威廉斯波特的一个预备役部队. He was appointed the U.S. Naval Academy’s Blue and Gold Officer, 作为学院在宾夕法尼亚州中部所有候选人的联络人. Merle retired in 1988 after 34 years of active and reserve service.

Outside of his military service, 梅尔创立并经营一家电器维修中心,并担任过邮政工人. During his time with the U.S. Postal Service, Merle worked as a rural mail carrier, in both part- and full-time capacities, from 1962 until the 1990s. 他曾担任当地劳工领袖,并成为PA农村信件运营商协会的主席.

Merle被选为PA年度承运人,并结束了他作为PA农村信件承运人协会全州管家的职业生涯. Merle founded Port Trevorton’s quick response squad, 它主要服务于在医疗紧急情况下缺乏交通工具的门诺派社区成员. 他是一名志愿急救医生超过30年,并曾担任卫生署董事会成员&L Ambulance in Selinsgrove. Additionally, Ulsh has been a lifelong member of his church and served as trustee, advisor and Sunday school teacher.

He is a former alumni board member and, in 2005, he and his wife, Nancy, established a scholarship in memory of their parents. 从20世纪60年代到现在,梅尔和他的家人一直经营着苏的洗衣服务. He often returned profits as donations to the university.

1955年,梅尔毕业于浩博体育app,当时他正在为家族企业工作. 他记得自己开着1931年的福特A型车上下班,接送经常步行去学校的教授.

Lou Santangelo ’50

Service to Susquehanna Award

Prior to attending Susquehanna, Lou joined the U.S. Navy and served during World War II. After graduation from SU, he entered the U.S. Navy Communications School. 6•25战争期间,他在“萨尔西”号沉没浩博体育app中表现出的英勇行为,被授予了海军功勋勋章, and was credited for saving 37 lives.

在海军服役后,娄在Aetna公司开始了他的职业生涯. While working with one of his clients, he met his wife, Ashie, 两人结婚64年,并代表卢接受了该奖项. He joined the C. Lavieri Agency prior to relocating to Hershey, 直到1974年,他一直担任好时食品公司的公共关系主管. He then began a successful career in real estate before starting Sans & Company, a business brokerage firm.

Lou was a standout student-athlete. 他于1987年入选浩博体育app体育名人堂,是萨斯奎哈纳足球荣誉戒指的首任成员. 教练阿莫斯·阿隆佐·斯塔格称他为“圣人”,因为他在场上的全能. Lou通过在各种董事会任职,继续对Susquehanna做出持久的承诺, 志愿者委员会和校友会——包括校友委员会主席的任期——是大学及其体育项目的终身财政支持者.

1950年,卢毕业于浩博体育app,获得商业经济学学位. 他于1954年在巴克内尔大学(Bucknell University)获得工商管理研究生学位. He passed away on Feb. 14, 2022, at the age of 93.

Alley Miller ’17

Outstanding Recent Alumna Award

Alley serves as a development director of Guadalupe Clinic in Wichita, Kansas, 哪家公司为没有保险和社会地位低下的人提供医疗保健和其他保健服务. In her role, Alley负责制定和领导筹款策略,使诊所的使命成为可能. She was promoted to her current role just prior to the Covid-19 pandemic, 之后,她成功地转向了在线筹款,同时还承担了额外的Covid-19检测职责.

2017年毕业后,艾黎作为美国服务队VISTA成员被安置在瓜达卢佩中心. 美国志愿队VISTA是一个反贫困项目,旨在为非营利组织和公共机构提供所需资源,帮助社区摆脱贫困. 她帮助瓜达卢佩诊所将其筹款活动扩展到各种形式的数字媒体, 在她于2018年完成美国服务队VISTA服务后,诊所随后聘请她担任开发助理.


She graduated from Susquehanna with a degree in graphic design, 并于2020年在威奇托州立大学获得公共管理硕士学位.

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