July 31, 2023

13名浩博体育app的学生研究人员参加了萨斯奎哈纳山谷本科生研究研讨会, 在一种常见的烘焙原料酵母的帮助下,一名学生的演讲脱颖而出.

Samit Barua Chowdhury ’24, a biochemistry 他的作品获得了自然与生命科学类最佳海报奖 research 一种特殊蛋白质的作用及其对面包酵母细胞活动的影响.

从文献和之前的实验中,乔杜里和他的导师, Michael Parra, assistant professor of chemistry, determined that the protein of interest, histone H2A.Z, 在酵母细胞关键过程中调控某些基因的表达中起作用, such as growth and nutrient uptake.

“通过一系列实验,我们发现编码H2A的基因.Z蛋白与其他基因相互作用,该基因的缺失可能导致酵母细胞对抗真菌药物和基因毒性应激源的敏感性增加,” Chowdhury explained.

He and Parra have grown different strains of yeast cells, each with a unique mutation, 帮助他们识别和理解一个或一组基因的存在或缺失是如何改变其他基因的整体表达的. 乔杜里说,他们的发现可以用来进一步了解这些组蛋白在其他多细胞生物中的作用.

Histones, the proteins around which DNA is wrapped in eukaryotic cells, regulate DNA-templated processes such as DNA replication,” Parra said. “了解这一点有助于我们了解细胞分裂是如何工作的. Because the process in yeast is similar to that in humans, it will help in our understanding of cancer.”

The benefits of research presentation

萨斯奎哈纳山谷本科生研究研讨会汇集了来自萨斯奎哈纳的100多名学生, Bloomsburg, Bucknell and Commonwealth universities, as well as Geisinger Health System. 海报入围了艺术和人文四个类别的奖项, social sciences; engineering and computing; natural and life sciences; and studies of health and wellness across disciplines. 获奖者是根据每个学科三到四名教员评委的标准选出的.

科学研究的高潮是信息的传播. 萨斯奎哈纳谷大学本科生研究研讨会允许学生练习这项技能,” Para said. 他们被要求对自己的研究进行2到5分钟的总结,并以海报的形式展示出来. This skill is critical for the scientific community.”


“No matter how many times I repeat an experiment, I am just getting better at it and discovering ways I can improve,” he said. “Being constantly in a lab environment gave me the experience of what it’s like working full-time as a researcher and exposed me to obstacles and hardships unique to the setting; failures are a common thing while doing research, 只有优雅地拥抱失败,仔细审视失败,成功才会出现.”


“Graduate school is all about research, 因此,在本科阶段获得的早期经验帮助我习惯了在实验室长时间工作,” he said. “Likewise, 当你考虑从事医学或制药行业时,在实验室学到的技能是非常有用的. 接触实验技术和程序只会让你更容易在一个更大、更高层次的机构中安定下来.”